Tag Archives: office hours

2019 Office Hours, Part Two

Updated December 5, 2019.

Summer is here! It’s time to plan ahead for another season of office hours. It’s been a fun and interesting year for office hours so far, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of you over the next several months.

As always, these dates and times may change. Check this page for updates, or follow along on Twitter or Facebook. And feel free to contact me anytime. See you soon!

Office Hours With Special Guest Joal Broun

Joal Broun and Damon Seils

Come talk about Carrboro!

For this month’s office hours, I’m glad to welcome special guest Joal Hall Broun, the chair of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro school board and a former Carrboro alderwoman. Joal also serves on the executive committee of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro branch of the NAACP. She has worked for all of us locally and regionally in a variety of roles over many years.

Drop by anytime on Saturday, March 30, between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm! We’ll be camped out in the Claremont neighborhood clubhouse at 115 Orlando Place. (Many thanks to the Claremont Homeowners Association.)

New Year, New Office Hours

Updated June 4, 2019.

The new year means a new season of office hours! Want to chat about Carrboro? Join me for any or all. Here are the details:

These dates, times, and locations may change. So be sure to check this page for updates or follow along on Twitter or Facebook. And office hours or not, feel free to contact me anytime. See you soon!