I’m honored to have once again earned the endorsement of the Orange-Chatham Group of the North Carolina chapter of the Sierra Club. Read their full statement below.
“For mayor, [the Orange-Chatham Group] is enthusiastically endorsing Damon Seils, who has been previously endorsed for each of his Town Council races and has made decisions on Council that advance climate action and responsible development and transportation. Seils understands the intersectionality of community sustainability, and that the transportation, development and greenspace decisions are all relevant to the equity that is a town priority. Seils is a leader in regional transportation planning, and well understands how having diverse transportation choices is necessary to address the largest source of greenhouse gases, will advance equitable access to destinations like jobs, and will support the compact development that minimizes impervious surfaces. He also walks the talk, taking transit regularly. In addition, his years of experience on Town Council and his regular engagement with residents make him well prepared for the leadership role of Mayor.”