Spring 2021 Office Hours

Spring is here! It’s a great time for us to get outside and for me to resume my community office hours. Join me and an occasional special guest to talk about all things Carrboro. We will continue to follow the public health guidance by meeting outdoors. I’m looking forward to these opportunities to talk with you in person.

  • Sunday, May 2, 1:00-3:00 pm — ? Martin Luther King Jr Park — Special guest: Chapel Hill Council Member Tai Huynh
  • Wednesday, May 12, 12:00-1:30 pm — ? Gray Squirrel Coffee Company
  • Saturday, June 19, 12:30-2:30 pm — ? Honeysuckle Cafe — Special guest: George Barrett, executive director, Marian Cheek Jackson Center for Saving and Making History

Preview of summer office hours:

  • Saturday, July 17, 11:00 am-1:00 pm — ? Present Day on Main — Special guest: Carrboro Council Member Barbara Foushee

These dates and times may change. Check this page for updates, or follow along on Twitter or Facebook. And feel free to contact me anytime.

Updated June 23, 2021.