It’s Official: I’m Running for Mayor

Headshot of Damon Seils with logo reading Damon Seils for Mayor of Carrboro
Photo credit: Trevor Holman Photography

Friends and neighbors,

This morning I announced on WCHL that I am running for mayor of Carrboro. Our current mayor, Lydia Lavelle, said last week she will not seek re-election this year.

During eight years on the Town Council, I have built productive relationships with community members and leaders like you both in Carrboro and across the region. These relationships will be a strong foundation for stepping into a new leadership role for the people of Carrboro. I hope you’ll join me.

The next two years will bring defining moments for Carrboro. We will hire a new town manager, implement the Carrboro Connects comprehensive plan, and take lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure we are providing services to meet community needs and allocating our resources equitably. As I said during my re-election campaign two years ago, I will continue to press for better local and regional transit, better infrastructure to support a growing and diverse community, and decision making that holds racial equity and social justice in the foreground.

We need sustained community engagement, experienced leadership, and vision to translate these priorities into reality—and I’m ready to lead those efforts as mayor.

I hope you’ll consider making a contribution to support my campaign. Your early contribution will help me with initial expenses and give me the resources I need to share my message with more people in the community. See for more information.

Feel free to contact me if you have questions about the campaign or ideas about the future of our amazing town.

With pride and enthusiasm for Carrboro,
